I have need for a time programmable, audio recording program, for Windows. Googling presents too may options. Any one able to offer suggestions on a good, reliable and tested system. Thank You.
This is an area I found Linux to offer more useful options (cron, shell scripts and a command line audio recorder). When I was redording under Windows (which the majority of the sat recordings at http://vkradio.com/sat.html were done with), I was using CoolEdit to schedule the recordings. It worked, but there was a bug in it, which meant it was off by an hour during DST months. Once I sorted that quirk out, I found it useful - I'd set it to record automatically and then wander down the road to work the birds. :)
As I said, Linux has a better means of scheduling, and if one is clever, you could use something like Predict to kick the recording off at the right time. :) I used to record a newscast every week, and the system pretty much set the timing for everyone else to follow. :) Even had a facility where I could stop and process a recording with a TV style remote control (thanks to lircd and a home brewed IR receiver) :).
participants (1)
Tony Langdon (ATC)