What you want to look for is the propagation effects of weather on the frequencies you are using on the satellite. ARRL has some info on its site for 2 meter and UHF. There are other sites that focus on microwave freqs such as 1.2 and 2.4 Ghz. As you found googling "sats and wx" are going to bring up sites related to geostationary sats. The weather effects will be the same between sats and terrestial use. It is possible to have weather caused refraction on your up link or downlink causing the signal strength to be have higher loss then normal line of sight. Hope my ramblings help.
Sent with Wireless Sync from Verizon Wireless by DAVE DONALDSON-Burnsville MN Amateur radio: WB7DRU Navy Mars: NNN0AXK
---- Original Message ---- From: "John Henderson" [email protected] Date: 11/27/07 12:10 pm To: "[email protected]" [email protected] Subj: [amsat-bb] Weather Effect My reception on the LEO's has deteriorated over the last week. During this period we have had some rain but mostly overcast with thunderstorms within 50-60 miles. I have checked all the connections, etc on the antenna. The noise is sporadic hum and lots of QRN.
I have searched for " effects of wx on amateur sats" but turned up nothing.
Was hoping someone could point me to some info on wx and sats; I know it has some effect on Direct TV etc but need to get to the source of my problem. It is there with the PA on and off...
John Henderson N4NAB
212 Bayside Drive
Cape Carteret, NC 28584
mailto:[email protected] [email protected]
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David Donaldson