It took about a month to transcribe voice recordings, then print and mail QSL cards from my Southwest grid square trip. This generated a stack of cards over an inch thick (perhaps 3 cm), and at least a pound of mail dropped off at my local post office on Wednesday. Not sent yet are cards to Mexico (i have some software problems with Mexican postal addresses) and a dozen other callsigns those whose grid squares i've not worked from home (e.g. DM06, DM83, DO30, EM15, EM28, EM45, EM69, EN16, FN02, FN10, FN30, and EN90). The latter have been sent e-mail and their cards will be sent out with the cards to Mexico if i don't hear otherwise. About 50 cards or letters have been sent out so far (plus a few more for CM86).
The top five stations were:
K6YK (13 grids in 16 contacts) WA8SME (13 grids in 11 contacts) W7JPI (11 grids in 10 contacts) AI7W (11 grids in 7 contacts) W6ASL (10 grids in 9 contacts)
with honorable mention to N2BX, N5AFV, KG7EZ, W6GMT, W6ZQ, VA7VW, KE5FWK, and WD9EWK, W0SAT, with 5-9 grids each. Those who worked SO-50 as well as AO-27 and AO-51 got the best scores.
Many contacts were made from grid square boundaries, and two passes were done from a grid square corner. Multiple GPS readings were used to determine grid boundaries and DM07/DM08/DM17/DM18 had a permanent marker which collaborated the GPS readings. Most such cards also include a small photo taken at/near the operating point, which might be correlated with satellite images (Google maps) and/or topographic features.
Most QSL cards have been uploaded to ARRL's Logbook of The World (LoTW), except those on grid square boundaries. There is a checkmark on the QSL indicated whether that data was on-line when the card was printed. (If anyone can help me determine how to submit cards with more than one grid square to LoTW, that would definitely be appreciated.)
I was disappointed to find out that the further east i got during this trip, the more difficult it was to work eastern passes on AO-51 (and to some degree AO-27). I had always thought that the problems were worst when both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North American were in view of the satellite. I'm no longer convinced that this is the case.
I thinking about another trip, maybe into Oregon, perhaps parts of Nevada and/or Washington. Suggestions would be welcome.
And if after a week or so, if you reside in the USA or Canada, and haven't received card(s) or e-mail from me, please send me e-mail.
-- KD6PAG (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRPer)
P.S. Special thanks to K6YK for providing third-party traffic home when there was no cell phone coverage or suitable pay phones available. (So i smiled when i saw the cover of this month's QST magazine.)
participants (1)
John Mock KD6PAG