There's an update on SwissCube at
73 Trevor M5AKA

Someone asked the question about which satellite projects to support with donation dollars. Given my $$ investment in my satellite station, I would also like to step up my donations to support new transponder-based sats. With the recent loss of AO-51 and FO-29 and with only one SSB and one FM sat left and AO-7 when it's working, I am feeling the loss of this part of my hobby.
After the last post, I looked up FOX and the AMSAT presidential update; my understanding is that FOX-1 is at least two years out, and after the project split, FOX-1 will be a "quick" FM sat and FOX-2, a simpler, higher power transponder based sat. Because of reducing resources and membership, FOX-2 is probably no less than 4+ years out. SwissCubesat is interesting, but there are no ham freq projects in the pipeline here or at AMSAT-UK.
We all have our own personal preferences, and I still enjoy SO-50, but, I do get a little restless not being able to have much of a QSO on one FM channel with people jumping in and out and on top of each other. The technical challenge of building tracking and high gain SSB antennas and pre-amp etc is personally exciting for me...
I plan to support AMSAT and FOX, but I also prefer to find ways to vote with my dollar to support a transponder-based sat. I am not sure how AMSAT made the FM satellite decision, ie., was there an actual market needs analysis of what members were more likely to support with their dollars...
I would appreciate someone giving an overview of what other sats are in the pipeline, or, how I can show my $$ support for transponder-based projects?
Michael K3MH

Hi Michael,
If i may, can I point out that the FUNcube project is on track to provide two linear U/V transponders in low earth orbit from two cubesats quite soon now.
These transponders will have a dual purpose - educational outreach to encourage school children to become interested in STEM subjects, during the day, and the transponder function active during eclipse at at weekends etc.
I cannot yet confirm a precise launch date for these but hope that this will be possible to do within the next month or so. Suffice it to say that it is being planned that FUNcube-1 will launch in Q3 2012.
More news when it becomes available - in the meantime the www.funcube.org/uk website gives some detailed info about the project.
best 73
Graham G3VZV

--- On Sun, 4/12/11, Michael Hatzakis [email protected] wrote:
but there are no ham freq projects in the pipeline here or at AMSAT-UK.
Hi Michael,
Don't forget the AMSAT-UK FUNcube-1 with a 435/145 MHz linear transponder or UKube-1 which is flying FUNcube boards with a 435/145 MHz linear transponder. Both aiming for a late 2012 launch.
http://www.funcube.org.uk/ http://www.uk.amsat.org/
AMSAT-ZL are doing great work in developing KiwiSat with a 435/145 linear transponder I believe aiming for a 2012 launch http://www.kiwisat.org/
AMSAT-SA have got two satellite projects under development, see pages 5 onwards of http://www.uk.amsat.org/on_193_final.pdf
and http://www.amsatsa.org.za/
AMSAT-NA's Fox-1 and Fox-2 projects both deserve support http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/fox/
and we all hope that AMSAT-DL are successful in obtaining a luanch opportunity for P3-E http://www.p3e-satellite.org/index.pl?lang=en_EN
There may well be others I've missed out.
I don't see that it matters which project you chose to donate to as long as you support someone.
73 Trevor M5AKA
participants (3)
Michael Hatzakis
Trevor .