Call for Papers, Posters, Presentations for GNU Radio Conference 2019 - special focus on amateur radio and space communications!

Dear friends and fans of GNU Radio,
GNU Radio Conference celebrates and showcases the substantial and remarkable progress of the world's best open source digital signal processing framework for software-defined radios. In addition to presenting GNU Radio’s vibrant theoretical and practical presence in academia, industry, the military, and among amateurs and hobbyists, GNU Radio Conference 2019 will have a very special focus.
Summer 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of NASA's Apollo 11 mission, which landed the first humans on the Moon. GNU Radio Conference selected Huntsville, AL, USA as the site for GNU Radio Conference 2019 in order to highlight and celebrate space exploration, astronomical research, and communication.
Space communications are challenging and mission critical. Research and development from space exploration has had and continues to have far-reaching effect on our communications gear and protocols.
Please join us September 16-20, 2019 at the "Huntsville Marriott at the Space & Rocket Center" hotel for the best technical conference of the year! Amateur satellite communications has a central place.
Registration and an online and mobile-friendly schedule will be posted at the conference web site:
Call for All!
We invite developers and users from the GNU Radio Community to present your projects, presentations, papers, posters, and problems at GNU Radio Conference 2019. Submit your talks, demos, and code! Please share this Call for All with anyone you think needs to read it.
To submit your content for the conference, visit our dedicated conference submission site at:
First round closes 1 July 2019. If accepted, your content will be immediately scheduled.
Final round closes 1 September 2019. Space permitting. Pun intended.
If you have questions or need assistance with OpenConf, or have content that doesn't quite fit and you want to talk it over, please write [email protected]
Topics may include but are not limited to: Space (including ground stations)* Amateur radio Radio astronomy Atmospheric research Theoretical work Practical applications Aviation Biomedical Citizen Science Digital Signal Processing Education Radio Interface Machine Learning Cognitive Radio Transportation Wireless security
*special focus awards given to all accepted work with Space as a topic!
-Michelle W5NYV
participants (1)
Michelle Thompson