Logged the following stations today 3/30 from EM76/77 on CAS4A/4B: W5RKN K5DNA KN2K WA4VOC W8MRR K7VNE AA9JS KB1HY K0JM WA2DNV WA2FHJ WJ4MBO WB4NCT. LMK if any error/omission. 73, Bob K8BL

Q's now uploaded to LoTW. -BL On Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 04:43:42 PM EDT, Bob Liddy (K8BL) [email protected] wrote:
Logged the following stations today 3/30 from EM76/77 on CAS4A/4B: W5RKN K5DNA KN2K WA4VOC W8MRR K7VNE AA9JS KB1HY K0JM WA2NDV WA2FHJ WJ4MBO WB4NCT. LMK if any error/omission. 73, Bob K8BL
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participants (1)
Bob Liddy (K8BL)