Anyone using a quadrifilar helicoidal antenna on 2m for satellite APRS? How about mobile?
Anyone know of a source for a QFH antenna that could be used on 2 meters?
Kevin VA3SU
Hi Kevin,
I use a QFH for local 2m APRS traffic and ISS 2m. Our WinCube team ( also uses one for high altitude balloon APRS. The antennas are made in Germany by Manfred Schliffke, DG7LAV. I also use another of his QFH tuned for NOAA.
See also item# 270152422331 at (expired)
Great antennas.
73, Stefan VE4NSA
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of KEVIN KIBBE Sent: September-17-07 2:12 PM To: Subject: [amsat-bb] Anyone using a quadrifilar helicoidal antenna on 2m forsatellite APRS? How about mobile?
Anyone know of a source for a QFH antenna that could be used on 2 meters?
Kevin VA3SU
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Anyone know of a source for a QFH antenna that could be used on 2 meters? Kevin VA3SU
Very simple Kevin......
Go to:
and download: It contains instructions for 2M, 70 cm, and 137 mc. Very simple to build, and if one buys everything new, today may cost about $15, the coax and connectors are the must expensive part, but do not scrimp on the latter!!
Mount both for AZ/EL, obviously for best performance, but with fairly strong signal birds I have a pair mounted at 45 degrees, and use a very light U100 rotator to move AZ only.....And the very best pre-amps you can afford if the coax runs are long.....AT the antenna.....
Beam width is fairly large, but of course point as accurately as you can...
Some of the comments are pretty obvious, but I include them in case some beginners are interested...
Don't hesitate with questions, hope this helps....
73, Dave Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...
participants (3)
Dave Guimont
Stefan Wagener