KL7CN QRV Caribbean next week

Hello, all:
I will be active in a holiday-style DXpedition on the FM satellites from various Caribbean locations next week starting Sunday 3-April-2011.
We will start /KP4 from San Juan, and then operate /MM from as many grids as we can, followed by J6/ from St. Lucia, then as V25CN from Antigua, then as a very special FS/PJ7/ operation from the border monument on St. Martin, then /KP2 from St. Croix, and finally again as /KP4.
I will attempt to send a note at the beginning of each day indicating if, when, and how operation will occur.
Special thanks to Patrick WD9EWK for answering many questions, Sawson KG6NUB for equipment checks, and Allen N5AFV for the original inspiration.
Special thanks also to the AO-51 control ops for agreeing to keep the satellite in V/U mode for the week.
We'll see how it goes! Thanks in advance for your patience!
-- bag
Sent from an iPhone; replies are brief, but still attempt to be witty.
participants (1)