Cruise Ship Contacts!

Hello everyone!
I had a great cruise and due to weather conditions (rain and wind), I wasn't able to work the birds as much as I would have liked to.... Oh well... Anyway, I did manage to make a few passes and I have to say that there was a great turnout on almost all of the passes. Thanks to N2BX for being on ALL the passes! A familiar voice that I was glad to hear each and every pass. I will have the grid squares emailed out to all of you sometime this week. If you contacted me on either A0-27, or A0-51 during the last week, please send me an email with the details. While I have received quite a few, I know for a fact that I am missing some of you guys.
I would have kept track of them myself, however my voice recorder took a crap (Murphys law) and I was only able to write down the ones I could remember and some partials. Kind of hard standing on the front of a ship with a HT in one hand, Pocket PC AND GPS in the other and writing at the same time. All the while fighting the wind! =)
Thanks again for all the contacts!
participants (1)
Paul Lenharr II