Thanks for uploading the paper, very helpful. Guess no one rig can please everyone, but what is it about the FT-530 that makes it "very awkward to operate"? Drew KO4MA gave the FT-530 high praise in his post.
I could never hear my downlink on the IC-W32A I borrowed for Swan Island, and if you can't use it to work full duplex, might as well buy a brand new FT-60 for about the same price as the W32A sells for on eBay. Also, you can't work the ISS with an unmodified W32A, as it won't transmit below 440 mhz.
I know it's possible to hear your downlink on the FM birds with some rigs, because many have written about it. I've had no luck with 3 different rigs, even with separate radios and separate antennas. No problem for me to work duplex on AO-7 and VO-52, must be the third harmonic that is the issue with AO-51, AO-27, and SO-50.
A lot of folks seem to like the Kenwood TH-D7A, but the price tag is quite high for a radio that is "very delicate," "extremely difficult to program," and "poor battery life".
73, Bill NZ5N
Posted by: "Dan O'Barr" [email protected] kl7dr
Thu Apr 3, 2008 9:13 pm (PDT) I uplaoded my white paper on the best Walkie-Talkies to operate the LEO Amateur satellites.
You can access this file at the URL:
http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/fm-satellite/files/Best%20Walkie-Talkies.doc
73, Dan O, KL7DR
____________________________________________________________________________________ You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. http://tc.deals.yahoo.com/tc/blockbuster/text5.com

I have been using FT530 for many years but on satellite for the last 12 months. is really easy to use once you have channels programed for both VFO's. you only move VFO B (UHF) for doppler tracking and back to VFO for Tx. has two volume/Squelch knob's and is excellent for full duplex operation.... Rafael Valdez Jr. XE2RV @ DL55 10X-52716 QRV V/U Sat
P Before printing, please think about your responsibilityand commitment with the ENVIRONMENT. Antes de Imprimir, piensa entu responsabilidad y compromiso con el MEDIO AMBIENTE
To: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 14:35:48 -0700Subject: [fm-satellite] Re: [amsat-bb] Re: Best HT's for sats?
Dan,Thanks for uploading the paper, very helpful. Guessno one rig can please everyone, but what is it aboutthe FT-530 that makes it "very awkward to operate"? Drew KO4MA gave the FT-530 high praise in his post.I could never hear my downlink on the IC-W32A Iborrowed for Swan Island, and if you can't use it towork full duplex, might as well buy a brand new FT-60for about the same price as the W32A sells for oneBay. Also, you can't work the ISS with an unmodifiedW32A, as it won't transmit below 440 mhz.I know it's possible to hear your downlink on the FMbirds with some rigs, because many have written aboutit. I've had no luck with 3 different rigs, even withseparate radios and separate antennas. No problem forme to work duplex on AO-7 and VO-52, must be the thirdharmonic that is the issue with AO-51, AO-27, andSO-50.A lot of folks seem to like the Kenwood TH-D7A, butthe price tag is quite high for a radio that is "verydelicate," "extremely difficult to program," and "poorbattery life".73, Bill NZ5N>>Posted by: "Dan O'Barr" [email protected] kl7drThu Apr 3, 2008 9:13 pm (PDT)I uplaoded my white paper on the best Walkie-Talkiesto operate the LEO Amateursatellites.>>You can access this file at the URL:http://groups. yahoo.com/group/fm-satellite/files/Best%20Walkie-Talkies.doc73,Dan O, KL7DR __________________________________________________________You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. http://tc.deals.yahoo.com/tc/blockbuster/text5.com__._,_.___ Messages in this topic (3) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic Messages | Files | Photos | Database | Polls | Members | Calendar
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A lot of folks seem to like the Kenwood TH-D7A, but the price tag is quite high for a radio that is "very delicate," "extremely difficult to program," and "poor battery life".
I donno. I've drop kicked mine a number of times. It is trivial to program either with the TEXT menus, and full 4-way joy stick, or the PC program. Poor battery life only if you have evrything running to the max:
1) Both internal radios on 2) Internal TNC on 3) Battery saver off 4) Transmitting APRS beacons evey minute at high power
But then that's why most people bought the radio to do all those things..

I agree with Bob. Mine's been banged around more than a little bit, and keeps working just fine. As far as the battery life "issue", I bought a replacement PB39 100mAH NiMH pack from the NiCd Lady for $45, and it lasts quite a while. I'm very satisfied with it. Jim KQ6EA
--- Robert Bruninga [email protected] wrote:
A lot of folks seem to like the Kenwood TH-D7A,
the price tag is quite high for a radio that is
delicate," "extremely difficult to program," and
battery life".
I donno. I've drop kicked mine a number of times. It is trivial to program either with the TEXT menus, and full 4-way joy stick, or the PC program. Poor battery life only if you have evrything running to the max:
- Both internal radios on
- Internal TNC on
- Battery saver off
- Transmitting APRS beacons evey minute at high
But then that's why most people bought the radio to do all those things..
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

I've been using a VX-150 and FT-470 and it has been working well. I haven't tried duplex with the 470. It's a quirky hamfest bargain.
To replace my handhelds, I'd wonder about the best mobiles for sats -- a little more oomph when necessary, larger display and controls -- that would serve well as a solar-powered portable. But that's probably another thread.
73, Scott N1AIA

When I owned a TH-D7A I never ran all that stuff, I guess. But it seems that you can run it on an external power source. That might be clumbersome if out "waving" an Arrow but when used with a mobile or home antenna system: "where's the problem?"
I think the attributes and mutliple uses for the little Kenwood overshaddows any shortcomings. I would have kept mine but the ham I bought it from (at an excellent price) needed it back to donate to a special program.
Some day I may get another. I have use of a Motorola HT-1250 (from work) for general FM use, and I normally use the FT-847 in the shack for satellites, so no immediate need. I have thought that a D700 would be nice for mobile. I still have my FT-817 for multi-modes going mobile or portable. With experience one can work the Leo's without full duplex, though it is much more satisfying to run full duplex for any satellite.
73 Ed - KL7UW
At 03:16 PM 4/4/2008, Robert Bruninga wrote:
A lot of folks seem to like the Kenwood TH-D7A, but the price tag is quite high for a radio that is "very delicate," "extremely difficult to program," and "poor battery life".
I donno. I've drop kicked mine a number of times. It is trivial to program either with the TEXT menus, and full 4-way joy stick, or the PC program. Poor battery life only if you have evrything running to the max:
- Both internal radios on
- Internal TNC on
- Battery saver off
- Transmitting APRS beacons evey minute at high power
But then that's why most people bought the radio to do all those things..
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Bill Dzurilla wrote:
I could never hear my downlink on the IC-W32A I borrowed for Swan Island, and if you can't use it to work full duplex, might as well buy a brand new FT-60 for about the same price as the W32A sells for on eBay. Also, you can't work the ISS with an unmodified W32A, as it won't transmit below 440 mhz.
An unmodified W32A transmits on both 70cm and 2m, it should be fine for working ISS: http://www.mock.com/icw32ae_manual.pdf
It's kind of a cool full duplex radio that you don't really see anymore. It has 2 VHF receivers, 2 UHF receivers, 1 VHF transmitter, and 1 UHF transmitter that all tune independently, so it's quite flexible. I've had mine for 10-years now and I haven't found something to replace it.
jeff AD6EO
participants (7)
Bill Dzurilla
Edward Cole
Jeff Mock
Jim Jerzycke
Rafael Valdez G.
Robert Bruninga
Scott Richardson