Hi all,
In person events are back! The Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas, TX is this year returning to their in-person "Moon Day" space themed STEM event on July 24th. I have signed up for AMSAT and Amateur Radio in Space as an exhibito, as we have in past years. I will have the AMAT Cubesat Simulator and the Fox Engineering model to show off to the kids attending and will use iPad apps and SatPC32 to show orbits/footprints and such. There even are a couple AO-91 passes during the event.
I have already a few volunteers for the event but if you live in the DFW area and enjoy communicating with young people, I would love to hear from you.
Evet details:
Location, Frontiers of Flight Museum, Love Field, Dallas, TX
Time, Setup 7:30-9:45AM, Event 10:00AM through 3PM, teardown to follow.
Drop me an email off list, and I will give you more details.
Tom Schuessler, N5HYP at amsat.org
participants (1)