One week from today, Robert KE4AL, Rich N4ESS, and myself, NJ4Y will be on Garden Key, EL84np in the Dry Tortugas. Robert and I will be active on all amateur satellites, while Rich will be operating HF CW for the grid chase. I will also be on 6m FT8, SBB and CW for as long as my batteries hold up.
We will be arriving on the island mid-day on Friday July 6, staying all day Saturday, and then leaving Sunday morning July 8.
We will be using the callsign K4R, and all logs will be uploaded to LOTW after the trip. Paper cards will be available on request via NJ4Y.
The K4R QRZ page is up to date with our info, as well as k4r2018.com.
We will also be able to tweet via a satellite messenger from the island, to our public twitter account at twitter.com/k4r_EL84.
Our goal is to work anyone within ~7500km who needs EL84 on satellites. Check out the pass listing link at the above web pages and let us know if you have a special sked request from the outer reaches of our range, especially in EU and South America!
73, and hope to hear you in the air!
- Matthew nj4y
Sent from my iPhone
participants (1)
Matthew Stevens