At 06:41 PM 1/31/07 -0600, "Dave Johnson" [email protected] wrote:
Some people have the "me, me, me" attitude, so they feel they're entitled. I don't mind hearing a SHORT QSO between ops. I've kept this in mind when I've worked the same station a few times, and have limited my comments to them to a sentence or two, so that others get a chance to get in.
Worse yet, on many of the passes that I can hear/work, there is someone in the footprint who just whistles, causing QRM on the already-crowded satellite. And then there's the op who does nothing more than say "hello...hello...hello". Lastly there are also the ops who apparently aren't hearing the satellite and keep calling CQ, with stations answering them to no avail.
That's the problem with easy-sats. Our HF bands are going to start sounding a lot more like that too now that the Code requirement is eliminated.
participants (1)
Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL