I am in the process of putting a group together of local amateurs to build and launch a triple Cubesat. The club will be called the Northern Lakes Amateur Satellite Organization. we have already drawn up the bylaws and a locale ham, an attorney is preparing the paper work. The website should be up in about two weeks. Our goals are to put together a single ham radio payload in a cubebesat. Have spoken to several persons in the Amsat NA origination. They have agreed to do the peer review for us. As we are week in electronics part of it. I am a retired aerospace machinist and have for the last three years been doing a lot of the mechanical work for Amsat. So the mechanical side of it will be easy for us. On the payload we have not made a final decision. Here is some of our ideas.
1: Leverage from the electronic package that is planned for Suitsat 2. This our preferred payload. As it would give us a lot of flexibility with the SDR transponder. Only problem is when is suitsat 2 going to be ready? If it is going to take to long our group may not want to wait.
2: Would be to build a transponder with hamtronics kits. Upside of this is that all parts are off the shelf and could be easily assembled in few months. Bob Bruninga has been using them for some time with success.
3: Ask someone to build us a transponder who has more experience than us. On the orbit. To me the ideal orbit would be an MEO orbit. To see what that would mean I suggest David's G0MRF http://www.g0mrf.freeserve.co.uk/MEOSAT.htm website I have seen some talk on the web that that SpaceX maybe launching cubesats into MEO. Otherwise there seems to be launch availability in LEO.
Fred KF0AK

... Our goals are to put together a single ham radio payload in a cubebesat.
My personal opinion of the most exciting and easy MULTI-USER transponder is what we have attempted on PCSAT-2 (failed antenna) which is a 10m SSB uplink receiver for up to 30 PSK-31 users and then a single 2m FM audio downlink. The more of these we can fly the better.
They have all these advantages: 1) single channel FM downlink! 2) Multi-simultaneous user uplinks 3) 9 dB downlink advantage over UHF downlink to an HT 4) Receipents only need an HT and laptop to receive all 5) No doppler tuning on downlink 6) No hogging/congestion by FM uplink operators 7) 10m uplink has minimum PSK-31 uplink doppler 8) Uplink doppler can easily be conpensated in software 9) Everyone sees EVERY PSK-31 QSO at the same time 10) Everyone sees same Doppler/Frequency/relationships
Easy to hit with 25W 10 meter SSB rigs (usually available from radio shack for under $150 when the band is open)...
When satellite comes into view, there you are. 30 simultaneous users typing away with all being seen at the same time by the typical multi-user PSK-31 display software.
I think it would be a very exciting transponder.
Have spoken to
several persons in the Amsat NA origination. They have agreed to do the peer review for us. As we are week in electronics part of it. I am a retired aerospace machinist and have for the last three years been doing a lot of the mechanical work for Amsat. So the mechanical side of it will be easy for us. On the payload we have not made a final decision. Here is some of our ideas.
1: Leverage from the electronic package that is planned for Suitsat 2. This our preferred payload. As it would give us a lot of flexibility with the SDR transponder. Only problem is when is suitsat 2 going to be ready? If it is going to take to long our group may not want to wait.
2: Would be to build a transponder with hamtronics kits. Upside of this is that all parts are off the shelf and could be easily assembled in few months. Bob Bruninga has been using them for some time with success.
3: Ask someone to build us a transponder who has more experience than us. On the orbit. To me the ideal orbit would be an MEO orbit. To see what that would mean I suggest David's G0MRF http://www.g0mrf.freeserve.co.uk/MEOSAT.htm website I have seen some talk on the web that that SpaceX maybe launching cubesats into MEO. Otherwise there seems to be launch availability in LEO.
Fred KF0AK _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

How long were the antennas?
It's a bit difficult to do the springy ruler trick in a cubesat when they get above 70cm quarter wave unless its a tether :-)

Regarding a 10m PSK-31 uplink:
How long were the antennas?
On PCSAT2, the HF system shared the 19" 2m whip. It was a sharp tune, but we got it resonant with a simple LC diplexer.. But then our box was a bigger counterpoise. We were less successful with our 5" cubesat and it's 4' whip. Again, a deployment anomoly cause that experiment to also fail.
It's a bit difficult to do the springy ruler trick in a
cubesat when
they get above 70cm quarter wave unless its a tether :-)
But remember that the uplink stations are using say 25W on 10m. And there is a 14 dB link advantage compared to VHF. And then there is the weak signal performance improvement of PSK-31. So we figured you could give up maybe 10 dB or so in the antenna system, and still have a viable PSK-31 10m uplink.
Also, instead of trying to match the 19" whip to a 10m 50 ohm receiver, if the front end of that receiver was tuned to be a voltage probe, then better antenna efficiency would be possible too?...
Bob, WB4aPR
participants (3)
David Johnson
Fred A Parker
Robert Bruninga