I have to say I'm in agreement with some of the comments already expressed here. I found some of the answer choices too limiting. For instance I'm like everone else in that I'd like to see an HEO launched, or a GEO if it's at all within the relam of possibility but I wonder if there shouldn't be a parallel pursuit of an LEO linear transponder bird. I just have this fear of putting all our eggs in one basket with an HEO only to find we will never be able to find a launch for it. I've already expressed the opinion that P3E will be finished at the end of this year and then languish in storage for God knows how long before a launch can be found. I do sincerely hope I'm wrong but suppose I'm right. What is the fallback plan? FO-29 is gone as far as North America is concerned and the venerable AO-7 probably can't sustain it's wonderful ressurection forever. That leaves VO-52 and Delfi -C3 when it comes to linear transponders. Tell me if I'm missing one. Unlike some here, I am one that enjoys the FM birds but doesn't AMSAT-NA need to be at least considering a linear transponder LEO? It may very well be the best we can do. 73, Michael, W4HIJ

Unlike some here, I am one that enjoys the FM birds but doesn't AMSAT-NA need to be at least considering a linear transponder LEO? It may very well be the best we can do.
Could not agree more, whatever ORBIT is OBTAINABLE....BANDWIDTH!!
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...

Is it possible, or has anybody already done it, to write a satellite predictions program in Flash to run in a web browser?
I've just got an Archos media player with wi-fi and a web browser and a really good touch screen that's crying out for something similar to InstanTrack or Orbitron but it only accepts "Flash games" or "Opera Widgets" as software addons.
Don't want rig ar antenna control, doppler corrections or anything, just a basic graphical tracking program.

On Jul 23, 2008, at 12:06 AM, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
Is it possible, or has anybody already done it, to write a satellite predictions program in Flash to run in a web browser?
I've just got an Archos media player with wi-fi and a web browser and a really good touch screen that's crying out for something similar to InstanTrack or Orbitron but it only accepts "Flash games" or "Opera Widgets" as software addons.
Don't want rig ar antenna control, doppler corrections or anything, just a basic graphical tracking program.
Try pointing it at http://www.heavens-above.com to see what that does on it.
-- Nate Duehr, WY0X [email protected]

Surely that requires an internet connection.
Nate Duehr wrote:
Try pointing it at http://www.heavens-above.com to see what that does on it.
-- Nate Duehr, WY0X [email protected]
participants (4)
Dave Guimont
Michael Tondee
Nate Duehr
Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF