Delfi-C3 1822 - 1835Z Pass - Not Heard

Signals not heard in Northern CA on this pass (on .930 or .870) which should have been much better than the least pass (less trees that way at my QTH).
The next pass should be right over Delft and then to my West. Will try then.
Maybe they're giving it a rest??
Regards...Bill - N6GHz

Heard and sent only a couple of lines of TLM to the server during the pass to the east of here, IO80SM, from 1940 to about 1947 UTC.
Should be better prepared for the next pass.
73, Dave. G1OCN. Portland. Dorset.
p.s. Disregard my last about which object to track.

I rushed home from work to load up my keps into satpc32... waited until Delfi-c3 came above my horizon, then had to wait till it exited from eclipse!
I had the audio recorder going and caught this audio and sent 10 packets back to the TLM server.
Very exciting!
Check out my recording here:
Charlie N3CRT FN20
participants (3)
Bill Ress
Charles Reiche
Dave Aitch