Hi all.
Can I recommend Spectran as a good piece of software for recording and displaying weak signals. The screen shows frequency and time and signal level so you can very easily adjust the tuning for 1600Hz required for the RASCAL decoding software. I used it to identfy Suitsat 1 and estimate its ERP. Set the sample rate for 44kHz to get the highest bandwidth and quality.
_www.weaksignals.com_ (http://www.weaksignals.com/)
Thanks David - Sadly at work and not near the radio.....
In a message dated 28/04/2008 12:29:29 GMT Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
Hi All I managed to hear Delfi-c3b beacon this afternoon using spacetrack object A #32783 the Sat was running approx 1min early ,so far as I could tell ,the beacon was centred on 145.930+- doppler, at los the recorded frequency on my ft847 was 145.927.6 I was unable to decode the telemetry due to a shortcoming in my doppler control progarm in that it tunes in 10hz steps which is to high but will try and rectify this as soon as I can.At times the signal was s7 but with very deep fading using a 6 el quad with horiz pol.Regards Robert G8ATE
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