TAPR Digital Activities at Dayton Hamvention, May 15-16, 2010

-----Original Message----- From: Stan Horzepa [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 7:23 pm Subject: [tapr-announce] TAPR at the Dayton Hamvention (May 15-16, 2010)
Dayton Hamvention is the biggest gathering of ham radio operators on the planet and as usual, TAPR has a full slate on tap for the Hamvention weekend (May 14-16, 2010).
TAPR Booths:
Booths 455 through 458 in the Ball Arena of the Hara complex is where TAPR presents the latest advances in the state of the ham radio arts.
TAPR Digital Forum:
TAPR Digital Forum runs from 9:15 to 11:15 AM on Friday in Room 1 of the Hara Arena with the following schedule of presentations, moderated by Mark Thompson, WB9QZB:
9:15 – TAPR Update by Steve Bible, N7HPR, and Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI
9:30 – WL2K Network and its RF Portals by Rick Muething, KN6KB, and Vic Poor, W5SSM
10:00 – TAPR Project Design for Manufacturing, by Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI
10:30 – Putting HPSDR on the Internet, by John Melton, G0ORX/N6LYT
11:00 – Wrap-up
Friday evening, TAPR joins AMSAT for their fourth annual joint banquet at the Kohler Presidental Banquet Center, Kettering, OH (just south of Dayton). Dr. Bob McGwier, N4HY, will be the after dinner speaker.
Doors open at 6:30 PM and a cash bar will be available. A buffet dinner begins at 7:15 and includes Salmon with Newberg Sauce, Marinated Roasted Garlic Rosemary Chicken Breast in Lemon Butter Sauce, Marinated Pork Loin, Scalloped Potatoes with Parsley, Normandy Blend Green Beans, Fresh Fruit, Green Salad, Pie, Iced Tea, Hot Tea and Coffee.
Make reservations for the banquet online at the AMSAT Store http://www.amsat-na.com/store/item.php?id=100158 or contact Martha at the AMSAT office from 10 AM to 6 PM EST/EDT at 301-589-6062 or toll free at 888-322-6728. You can pick up your reserved tickets at the AMSAT booth on Friday or at the door.
_______________________________________________ tapr-announce mailing list

That's debatable. Friedrichshafen might be just as big.
On 01-May-10 00:13, Mark Thompson wrote:
Dayton Hamvention is the biggest gathering of ham radio operators on the planet

I've been to both Friedrichshafen & Dayton.
Friedrichshafen is a great time & a wonderful venue, but I believe Dayton still has a somewhat larger attendance, more commercial vendors and a much larger flea market.
That said if you live in Europe Friedricshafen is the hamfest to attend every year just like Dayton is in the USA.
What's the largest hamfest in the UK?
73, Mark, WB9QZB Chicago
________________________________ From: Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF [email protected] To: Mark Thompson [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Fri, April 30, 2010 7:32:16 PM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] TAPR Digital Activities at Dayton Hamvention, May 15-16, 2010
That's debatable. Friedrichshafen might be just as big.
On 01-May-10 00:13, Mark Thompson wrote:
Dayton Hamvention is the biggest gathering of ham radio operators on the planet
participants (2)
Mark Thompson
Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF