Re: [amsat-bb] HF Satellite Transponder

Mode A for me WB4LHD
Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 6.-------- Original message --------From: Paul Stoetzer [email protected] Date: 5/26/2016 1:35 PM (GMT-06:00) To: Joe [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] HF Satellite Transponder Yes, the Amateur Satellite Service has allocations in 40m (7.000 - 7.100 only), 20m (14.000 - 14.250 only), 17m, 15m, 12m, and 10m (entire band for the last four).
Paul, N8HM
On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Joe [email protected] wrote:
is sat operations even legal on that band? 12M?
The old Russian 15 & 10 meters were cool,
I'd like to see a good old mode "A" myself. It has to be the easiest ( except for the FM Channel repeater on a very tall tower equivalent birds)
Extreme simple gear can get you on Mode "A"
Ive done it with a dipole on 10 and a coathanger GP on 2 and the 2 transmitter was a FM rig with the mic disconnected and a straight key on the PTT. it was a little chirpy but hey worked like 30 states with that simple thing.
Joe WB9SBD Sig The Original Rolling Ball Clock Idle Tyme
On 5/26/2016 12:45 PM, Robert Bruninga wrote:
I may have a launch opportunity for an HF=HF transponder for a possible cubesat idea. Probably something like 12m up and 10m down?
Is this worth doing (re-doing) at this point of technology? Enough bandwidth to support a few voice channels?
Any volunteers to build the translator board?
How is 24 MHz band used? The entire SSB portion of the band is only 60 kHz, so using say 15 kHz for a linear translator to 10m would be quite a slice. But then the downlink at 10m would be OK since it does have an exclusive satellite band and so any inadvertent QSO's would be coming down in a non-competing downlink
Just some open ended thinking after Dayton.
Bob, WB4aPR _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:
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