It is with great sadness that I learned of the recent passing of Art Goldman, N3OY (formerly WA3CVG). Art was 67 and succumbed to melanoma. Information is at http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/obituaries/bal-md.ob.ci.goldman05aug05,0,70....
Art was very active in CARA (Columbia Amateur Radio Association) and was an AMSAT Life Member. Art often handled the satellite Field Day effort at W3AO(see http://www.arrl.org/contests/soapbox/?con_id=133&call=W3AO http://www.arrl.org/contests/soapbox/?con_id=133&call=W3AO for 2006 pictures. W3AO is the 19 xmtr multi-multi joint effort of CARA & PVRC).
Art lived in Columbia which has severe antenna limits. Despite this, he managed to get on AO-40 using BBQ dish antennas. He show up frequently in the AMSAT-BB archives. Art was also very active in the packet radio world in the 80's & 90's. Art (with NG6Q) developed the TCP/IP driver for the Eagle Computer card (Zilog 8530) for KA9Q's NOS. .
A personal remembrance: Rick Hambly (W2GPS), Bob McGwier (N4HY)& I remember fondly the 8-hour x 2-way "captive audience" trip to/from Dayton a few years ago. Despite Art's New York Jewish roots, he knew every country & western song every made. What with McGwier hailing from redneck Alabama, the trip was hilarious. I particularly remember the two singing to Toby Keith's hit C&W song "I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was!" (complete lyrics are at http://www.cowboylyrics.com/lyrics/keith-toby/as-good-as-i-once-was-15917.ht...).
73 Art -- you are missed!
participants (1)
Tom Clark, K3IO