AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 14, Issue 296 (Waving an antenna)

Michael, I like your points and ideas but with-holding donations or membership will not help you or the organization. How can you expect to have AMSAT do anything if they dont have your support; that it be financial, promoting AMSAT, or even volunteer work. And yes your donations and membership do make a difference. While your or my donations and membership by itself isn't a lot, every members contribution little by little combined makes a big difference to AMSAT. You also have to keep in mind times are different; Space is mostly about making money now, its unfortunately not really about being a "space cowboy" anymore like it was in the Phase 3 Project satellite days. I myself also enjoy riving for a challenge and doing things in amateur radio that haven't been done before or are uncommon to do. I do really enjoy reading peoples ideas and thoughts on what they would like to see happen, but keep it mind the only thing that is going to change anything is not so much words but physical work. My physical work I mean donating, keeping membership, possibly volunteering if you can, or even just promoting amateur radio in space in general to the public. As for AMSAT's current state, its been better then it ever has been before, We have launched more satellites in recent AMSAT history then ever before. We have a very strong presence in LEO, more so then ever before. Yes I want to go to HEO/GEO and so does everyone else, but we must support and work with each other for that to happen! I do believe great times are ahead for AMSAT.
All the best, Nick KE8AKW
participants (1)
Nicholas Mahr KE8AKW