Everything was proceeding marvelously last night at the Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach (CA) meeting. A few folks showed up early as we worked the 0053 GMT pass of AO-51 from outside the meeting room. We then moved inside for my presentation.
Since my wife is in finishing a month-long trip to Tibet, I left my phone "on" in buzz mode in case she called or sent text messages. In the middle of my show, my phone buzzes. I calmly sneak a look at the phone, and was pleasantly surprised to see a QSL from XE3DX David Maciel - one of the contacts we made earlier!
Oh, the audience was properly impressed!
THANK YOU, David! And thanks to the others that made that demo a success.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS http://www.work-sat.com
P.S. - Upcoming AMSAT presentations in Southern California ...
October 5 - WARA (Fullerton) meeting* October 8 - EchoLink “SCARS” Node 96140 5:30PM PDT October 15 - West Coast ARC (Huntington Beach)* October 17 - Victor Valley ARC’s JOTA November 5 - Crest REACT (Corona) November 8 - QWCA Chapter 7 (Norwalk)
participants (1)
Clint Bradford