AMSAT @ ScienceCity in Tucson AZ (14-15 March 2020)

AMSAT will be supporting the University of Arizona's K7UAZ radio club during the ScienceCity science fair on 14-15 March 2020 (a Saturday and Sunday). ScienceCity will be on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson, Arizona. This science fair is supported by several organizations at the university, and runs in conjunction with the Tucson Festival of Books that will also take place that weekend. More information about ScienceCity is available at:
Information about the K7UAZ radio club is available at:
The K7UAZ radio club will have a booth in the "Science of Everyday Life" area at ScienceCity. This booth will showcase different facets of amateur radio, including amateur satellites. WD9EWK, and possibly other call signs, should be heard during demonstrations of satellite operating taking place at ScienceCity. If you hear us, please call and be a part of the demonstrations. The University of Arizona campus is in grid DM42, in Arizona's Pima County. QSLing will be determined by the call sign used for QSOs. For WD9EWK, I will upload my log to Logbook of the World, and will be happy to send QSL cards on request (please e-mail me the QSO details - no card or SASE is required to get my card). K7UAZ will confirm QSOs by QSL card, following instructions posted on
During the weekend, I will use my @WD9EWK Twitter account to post updates from ScienceCity. If you do not use Twitter, you can view these updates in a web browser without having a Twitter account at:
Thanks, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK Twitter: @WD9EWK or
participants (1)