My set-up:
Windows 10 & SATPC32: works perfect with TS2000 (CAT delay 20)
Now I want to connect my FT817: via a Bluetooth Dongle. Pairing to the PC successful.
Now letting SATPC32 control the FT817:
- started with CAT delay 20: works kind off, downlink (RX VFO A): OK, uplink (TX/VFO B): frequency not correct
- increased CAT delay (5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 60, ....110): effects start to vary but never OK + at some delays flipping between VFO A and B without pressing PTT + freq of VFO A and B continue to be wrong + often in RX VFO B is selected, pressing PTT VFO B (should be the other way around)
Tried at CAT rates 9600 and 38400, no differences.
Seems like a timing problem to me, as there is influence of the CAT delay setting.
Official recommendation: CAT RATE 38400, CAT delay 110. (that does not work though)
A friend has similar problem, when using a wired USB interface between PC and FT-817.
Who has some tips for us ?
Henk, PA3GUO
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