Petition to block Luc from the -bb

I propose that all who are tired of this individual poisoning what is otherwise a peaceful and productive environment with his abusive and slanderous posts against an organization that I for one am proud to be part of and will continue to support. Sign this petition or make it be known in some fashion that you are tired of this kind of behavior and that Luc Leblanc VE2DWE be blocked from the AMSAT and all affiliated -bb systems.
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
1.Robert Davies

On Thursday 15 February 2007 21:06:05 Robert Davies wrote:
I propose that all who are tired of this individual poisoning what is otherwise a peaceful and productive environment with his abusive and slanderous posts against an organization that I for one am proud to be part of and will continue to support. Sign this petition or make it be known in some fashion that you are tired of this kind of behavior and that Luc Leblanc VE2DWE be blocked from the AMSAT and all affiliated -bb systems.
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
1.Robert Davies
I am not yet a member of Amsat, but I hope I can comment on this.
While some of the postings of this person have infuriated some on this list, other postings have been reasonable. At any rate, I do not think it makes sense to try and ban someone from the list, because first you *can't* ban someone. No technical means other than a completely vetted admissions system would keep "bad" people out. The other reason to not do this is more subtle but still real-- you create a place that fosters contention, and that draws the very types you're trying to control; a socal negative feedback loop, so to speak.
When someone does things that are inappropriate, *ignore them*. This is the best possible defense. If the jabs that the list member makes fall on deaf ears, the dampening of the problem begins.
--STeve Andre' wb8wsf en82

Sorry, but I must respectfully disagree....I belong to a couple of other email reflectors that had a few bad apples.....continuously causing dissention and problems with inflammatory and derogatory postings.
They were banned from the lists and these lists fluorished from then on.
Banishment from a list does work.
In the meantime, I simply block the offenders in my email system....their postings go directly to my "deleted" file.
73, Joe W2KJ
I am not yet a member of Amsat, but I hope I can comment on this.
While some of the postings of this person have infuriated some on this list, other postings have been reasonable. At any rate, I do not think it makes sense to try and ban someone from the list, because first you *can't* ban someone. No technical means other than a completely vetted admissions system would keep "bad" people out. The other reason to not do this is more subtle but still real-- you create a place that fosters contention, and that draws the very types you're trying to control; a socal negative feedback loop, so to speak.
When someone does things that are inappropriate, *ignore them*. This is the best possible defense. If the jabs that the list member makes fall on deaf ears, the dampening of the problem begins.
--STeve Andre' wb8wsf en82
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

Most e-mail programs have the capability to filter arriving mail on a wide range of values. Should you find someone whom you find objectionable, just build a TWIT filter, based on call sign and/or e-mail address. I have perhaps 3 people on my Twit List here, and haven't had to sit through their tirades, or the answers to same, for years. Rather than just trash the messages, I send them to a TWIT folder which I occasionally check, on the off chance that a rational thought may have slipped through. Short of spamming, or genuinely obscene language, it is hard to justify a ban.

On 15 Feb 2007 at 21:06, Robert Davies wrote:
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
What's funny on this BB is many are interpreting the text with what they think silently. Probably afraid to be honest up to a point to reveal what they really think about "real questions".
The fact you don't want to hear someone else opinion is just another proof that the general idea behind a post make's you feel bad (And i understand this completely human) Just look at the pictures on the link below and JUST give me one sound answer why AMSAT-NA and all the worldwide satellite users should endorse "the military". For one i don't wants to be associated to this in anyway. If some cannot clean their own rank's they should take the liability of their pairs. It is what's we called assuming your own actions.
I ask also the same towards K7ZT Joe Westbrook, MSgt., USAF Retired. He wrote "Just a reminder, if it wasn't for the United States Military, there wouldn't be a Satellite" He was answered back on his other untrue statement by Margaret Leber "But it's entirely untrue that Canada doesn't support space exploration" even if she also seems to questioned this BB is "unmoderated" i can ask her too if the pictures and actions depicted below where also made by lunatics? Is this whole army is a bunch of "lunatics" I understand private are trained to obey orders by a subtile brain washing system could be the fact to lived in a context where your commander in chief "LIE" to the world about mass destruction arms can have some influence on judgement to a point to endorse the actions reported on the link below. Another explanation is if you commit in your career acts much worse than the one depicted below you are now immunized to human's right globally and you tend to associate rather than dissociate with those acts.
Mr former MSgt did i understand you are endorsing the acts depicted below and you want us that " we cooperate with our friends at the USAFA"?
Please clarify yourself but don't tell us lies... we used to be accustomed to your commander in chief and followers trend.Try to be honest at least once for this one.
Here is the link, look at it and try to convince the rest of the world that AMSAT-NA and the amateur radio international community should endorse this statement from Andrew Glasbrenner, KO4MA "please be patient as we cooperate with our friends at the USAFA.
The link:
What i refer to in my statement below is exactly this "suffer the consequences of you acts even if at the base root actions where legitimate, the end results is often disastrous.
"Just an historical note. There was a bunch of rocket scientist in Peenemünde who from 1936 to 1943 where making also scientific rocket search and test and you probably know also their final product! the V-1 and V-2 rocket."
If you believe this text is "To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2" It's your own interpretation ans i respect it!
As many private post received, this one give all the magnitude of the general climate down the border
"Finally, if freedom of expression is not valid here, please let me know.
Gary Memory, N7BRJ"
Can we conclude now the words is "hypocrisy" and "lies" is driving the actions of a whole country?
Another last question here. In the promotion of the DEMOCRACY since the last 30 years where forces has been used to implement it. How many of theses really resulted in a real free one today?
The answer will help you understand why AMSAT-NA and the international community should not endorse direct cooperation with any military forces and an amateur satellite funded by HAM'S international donations should not be used to help military forces with any amateur radio IARU designated satellie as AO-51 or any other amateur radio satellite.
I know some are willing to prostitute for money does not mean this BB is available to all for whatever lunatic propaganda suits them some are saying. I called this an excuse to prostitution and as i wrote in the past "Stupidity has no sex" {uprorious laughter ensues}
Own words making more sense in other context...
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."

Luc take your political crap somewhere else, if you want to see real torture go read some history where bones are broken and people are killed, not just where they are embarrassed with stupid stunts.
Your thread has nothing to do with satellite communication and has absolutely no place here....
no 73 for you....
Kevin WA6FWF

I have to agree with Kevin. Everybody that feels the need to voice an opinion on this has everyone elses email available by now. Lets take the discussion "outside" so to speak and off the BB.
Dave, AA4KN
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of wa6fwf Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 3:45 PM To: Luc Leblanc; [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: NO MILITARY COOPERATION ON AO-51
Luc take your political crap somewhere else, if you want to see real torture
go read some history where bones are broken and people are killed, not just where they are embarrassed with stupid stunts.
Your thread has nothing to do with satellite communication and has absolutely no place here....
no 73 for you....
Kevin WA6FWF
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

Call me crazy ( many have )
But if Mr. Leblanc dosent like nor support AMSAT-NA's direction, I would assume that we will not or would not have herd him on any of the sats that they have had a hand in launching? I would also assume that he would not utalize the other sats that other Countries 'Military' has supported, yet.. I see that he has some sort of Award for sat coms : ' Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE'
How is this possible?
Mabey I am slightly confused. So please if you can spare a moment .. do tell me why you are or have used these sats if in fact you dont support them?
Thats almost like the Surgeon General Smoking Crack Cocaine, while prepping his arm for a heroin injection. ( but not quite as bad )
-Steve Raas N2JDQ
----- Original Message ----- From: "wa6fwf" [email protected] To: "Luc Leblanc" [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 15:45 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: NO MILITARY COOPERATION ON AO-51
Luc take your political crap somewhere else, if you want to see real torture go read some history where bones are broken and people are killed, not just where they are embarrassed with stupid stunts.
Your thread has nothing to do with satellite communication and has absolutely no place here....
no 73 for you....
Kevin WA6FWF
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

On 18 Feb 2007, at 18:50, Luc Leblanc wrote:
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
What's funny on this BB is many are interpreting the text with what they think silently. Probably afraid to be honest up to a point to reveal what they really think about "real questions".
Maybe I'm missing something but I thought this forum was for the discussion of amateur radio satellites. Now I'm pretty sure that there was no Amateur Satellite comms (but I could be mistaken), from Abu Ghraib prison, so why bring it up? Its got nothing to do with any aspect of amateur radio satellites so doesn't belong on the list, and IMHO shouldn't be entertained.
Regards de John EI7IG

On 18 Feb 2007 at 20:49, John Ronan wrote:
Now I'm pretty sure that there was no Amateur Satellite comms (but I could be mistaken), from Abu Ghraib prison, so why bring it up?
Just to remind the crowd that amateur radio communication should not be involved with any military operation. Amateur radio should remain a neutral place where the gentleman agreement should be respected. If military communications test should be perform it should be carry on military frequencies or military satellite not on the ham satellites or bands.
Just check where the MARS frequencies are allocated "out of the amateur radio bands" why AMSAT-NA wants to do otherwise?
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."

On 2/18/07, Luc Leblanc [email protected] wrote:
For one i don't wants to be associated to this in anyway.
Fine. Go away.
I know some are willing to prostitute for money does not mean this BB is available to all for whatever lunatic propaganda suits them some are saying.
Apparently not the case at the moment.
I called this an excuse to prostitution and as i wrote in the past "Stupidity has no sex"
I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you'll meet somebody someday.
73 de Maggie K3XS Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb - Elecraft K2 #1641 -- AOPA 925383 -- ARRL 39280

On 18 Feb 2007 at 16:05, Margaret Leber wrote:
For one i don't wants to be associated to this in anyway.
Fine. Go away.
Where? did you have suggestions? On AMSAT-NA BOD could be...{uprorious laughter ensues}
I know some are willing to prostitute for money does not mean this BB is available to all for whatever lunatic propaganda suits them some are saying.
Apparently not the case at the moment.
Depends of your interpretation of propaganda and lunatics If you refer to Irak occupation be the US army i agree with you its is only propaganda made by lunatics ending by the killing of more peoples than before the Hussein regime. Is it the way your country is making "propaganda of democracy" by killing and letting peoples killing themselves? That's why i say " For one i don't wants to be associated to this in anyway" and i asked AMSAT-NA to not support the killing on innocent peoples by the military in helping an army wing with an international amateur radio satellite.
Bad move by AMSAT-NA at the worse time ever.
I called this an excuse to prostitution and as i wrote in the past "Stupidity has no sex"
You forget to add your {uprorious laughter ensues} your trade mark?
I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you'll meet somebody someday.
It's already done...Do you want to know when now?
From now on please sends your hollow comments privately.
"-" "Stupidity has no sex"

At 10:50 AM 2/18/2007, Luc Leblanc wrote:
I will point out to Luc. That Hypocrisy is his use of Satellites placed in orbit by Military or Military developed rockets. Unless of course his WAC CW/PHONE was earned on commercially launched birds.
73 Brock

So Luc: Luc: Just how many launch vehicles have Canadians paid for? Oh I forgot, YOUR money goes to your OUTSTANDING National Health System, not enough at the end of the day to demonstrate real leadership on such funding such frivolous activities! One thing for sure you can't be accused of taking global leadership position in aerospace. Oh I almost forgot the Avro.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Luc Leblanc" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 12:50 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] NO MILITARY COOPERATION ON AO-51
On 15 Feb 2007 at 21:06, Robert Davies wrote:
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
What's funny on this BB is many are interpreting the text with what they think silently. Probably afraid to be honest up to a point to reveal what they really think about "real questions".
The fact you don't want to hear someone else opinion is just another proof that the general idea behind a post make's you feel bad (And i understand this completely human) Just look at the pictures on the link below and JUST give me one sound answer why AMSAT-NA and all the worldwide satellite users should endorse "the military". For one i don't wants to be associated to this in anyway. If some cannot clean their own rank's they should take the liability of their pairs. It is what's we called assuming your own actions.
I ask also the same towards K7ZT Joe Westbrook, MSgt., USAF Retired. He wrote "Just a reminder, if it wasn't for the United States Military, there wouldn't be a Satellite" He was answered back on his other untrue statement by Margaret Leber "But it's entirely untrue that Canada doesn't support space exploration" even if she also seems to questioned this BB is "unmoderated" i can ask her too if the pictures and actions depicted below where also made by lunatics? Is this whole army is a bunch of "lunatics" I understand private are trained to obey orders by a subtile brain washing system could be the fact to lived in a context where your commander in chief "LIE" to the world about mass destruction arms can have some influence on judgement to a point to endorse the actions reported on the link below. Another explanation is if you commit in your career acts much worse than the one depicted below you are now immunized to human's right globally and you tend to associate rather than dissociate with those acts.
Mr former MSgt did i understand you are endorsing the acts depicted below and you want us that " we cooperate with our friends at the USAFA"?
Please clarify yourself but don't tell us lies... we used to be accustomed to your commander in chief and followers trend.Try to be honest at least once for this one.
Here is the link, look at it and try to convince the rest of the world that AMSAT-NA and the amateur radio international community should endorse this statement from Andrew Glasbrenner, KO4MA "please be patient as we cooperate with our friends at the USAFA.
The link:
What i refer to in my statement below is exactly this "suffer the consequences of you acts even if at the base root actions where legitimate, the end results is often disastrous.
"Just an historical note. There was a bunch of rocket scientist in Peenemünde who from 1936 to 1943 where making also scientific rocket search and test and you probably know also their final product! the V-1 and V-2 rocket."
If you believe this text is "To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2" It's your own interpretation ans i respect it!
As many private post received, this one give all the magnitude of the general climate down the border
"Finally, if freedom of expression is not valid here, please let me know.
Gary Memory, N7BRJ"
Can we conclude now the words is "hypocrisy" and "lies" is driving the actions of a whole country?
Another last question here. In the promotion of the DEMOCRACY since the last 30 years where forces has been used to implement it. How many of theses really resulted in a real free one today?
The answer will help you understand why AMSAT-NA and the international community should not endorse direct cooperation with any military forces and an amateur satellite funded by HAM'S international donations should not be used to help military forces with any amateur radio IARU designated satellie as AO-51 or any other amateur radio satellite.
I know some are willing to prostitute for money does not mean this BB is available to all for whatever lunatic propaganda suits them some are saying. I called this an excuse to prostitution and as i wrote in the past "Stupidity has no sex" {uprorious laughter ensues}
Own words making more sense in other context...
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

At 06:27 PM 2/18/2007, Joe Westbrook wrote:
So Luc: Luc: Just how many launch vehicles have Canadians paid for? Oh I forgot, YOUR money goes to your OUTSTANDING National Health System, not enough at the end of the day to demonstrate real leadership on such funding such frivolous activities! One thing for sure you can't be accused of taking global leadership position in aerospace. Oh I almost forgot the Avro.
Joe: I already posted a reply to Luc and forgot one of my old posts ...
The best thing to do with him is simply to ignore him ... if we do not post replies, he gets no kicks ...
I should have heeded my own advice ...
Let's just stop giving him an audience for his rants and it won't matter whether he posts or not.
Dave VE3GYQ/W8

You would think that if 'Luc the lefty' hates what some AMSAT-NA member does, he would quit.
I think he has sat on something and it is giving him pain.
Calling people liars, constantly blasting AMSAT, -BB members and off topic political crap has gotten old.
Just because this is an open (unmoderated) email list doesn't mean "open to political diatribe", does it? (DIATRIBE - Noun. A lengthy and unsubstantiated submission or request regarding an otherwise simple matter by an ignorant author.)
His last few messages fit that description, don't they?
He needs to go.

Big deal on the Abu Ghraib stuff, they were paid local volunteers to be in the pictures. The guy she is pointing to was her boy friend at the time. I spent a career in the US Navy & believe me our Canadian counterparts to the north taught me a few things about having some fun. I can understand your frustration about the military as you don't have one anymore to speak of must be the tolerance for drinking on the job thing.
Yes I do love a lively discussion & have the 38k4 tests gone as hoped?
73 Bruce KG4YEV
----- Original Message ----- From: "Luc Leblanc" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 1:50 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] NO MILITARY COOPERATION ON AO-51
On 15 Feb 2007 at 21:06, Robert Davies wrote:
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
What's funny on this BB is many are interpreting the text with what they think silently. Probably afraid to be honest up to a point to reveal what they really think about "real questions".
The fact you don't want to hear someone else opinion is just another proof that the general idea behind a post make's you feel bad (And i understand this completely human) Just look at the pictures on the link below and JUST give me one sound answer why AMSAT-NA and all the worldwide satellite users should endorse "the military". For one i don't wants to be associated to this in anyway. If some cannot clean their own rank's they should take the liability of their pairs. It is what's we called assuming your own actions.
I ask also the same towards K7ZT Joe Westbrook, MSgt., USAF Retired. He wrote "Just a reminder, if it wasn't for the United States Military, there wouldn't be a Satellite" He was answered back on his other untrue statement by Margaret Leber "But it's entirely untrue that Canada doesn't support space exploration" even if she also seems to questioned this BB is "unmoderated" i can ask her too if the pictures and actions depicted below where also made by lunatics? Is this whole army is a bunch of "lunatics" I understand private are trained to obey orders by a subtile brain washing system could be the fact to lived in a context where your commander in chief "LIE" to the world about mass destruction arms can have some influence on judgement to a point to endorse the actions reported on the link below. Another explanation is if you commit in your career acts much worse than the one depicted below you are now immunized to human's right globally and you tend to associate rather than dissociate with those acts.
Mr former MSgt did i understand you are endorsing the acts depicted below and you want us that " we cooperate with our friends at the USAFA"?
Please clarify yourself but don't tell us lies... we used to be accustomed to your commander in chief and followers trend.Try to be honest at least once for this one.
Here is the link, look at it and try to convince the rest of the world that AMSAT-NA and the amateur radio international community should endorse this statement from Andrew Glasbrenner, KO4MA "please be patient as we cooperate with our friends at the USAFA.
The link:
What i refer to in my statement below is exactly this "suffer the consequences of you acts even if at the base root actions where legitimate, the end results is often disastrous.
"Just an historical note. There was a bunch of rocket scientist in Peenemünde who from 1936 to 1943 where making also scientific rocket search and test and you probably know also their final product! the V-1 and V-2 rocket."
If you believe this text is "To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2" It's your own interpretation ans i respect it!
As many private post received, this one give all the magnitude of the general climate down the border
"Finally, if freedom of expression is not valid here, please let me know.
Gary Memory, N7BRJ"
Can we conclude now the words is "hypocrisy" and "lies" is driving the actions of a whole country?
Another last question here. In the promotion of the DEMOCRACY since the last 30 years where forces has been used to implement it. How many of theses really resulted in a real free one today?
The answer will help you understand why AMSAT-NA and the international community should not endorse direct cooperation with any military forces and an amateur satellite funded by HAM'S international donations should not be used to help military forces with any amateur radio IARU designated satellie as AO-51 or any other amateur radio satellite.
I know some are willing to prostitute for money does not mean this BB is available to all for whatever lunatic propaganda suits them some are saying. I called this an excuse to prostitution and as i wrote in the past "Stupidity has no sex" {uprorious laughter ensues}
Own words making more sense in other context...
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:

At 01:50 PM 2/18/2007, Luc Leblanc wrote:
On 15 Feb 2007 at 21:06, Robert Davies wrote:
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
What's funny on this BB is many are interpreting the text with what they think silently. Probably afraid to be honest up to a point to reveal what they really think about "real questions".
Luc, enough ....
You are just rambling and your comments don't even make sense .... and you and I both know that it has NOTHING to do with English not being your first language ...
I am both a Canadian and an American citizen, so I have no political bias here ...
Your constant hijacking of the BB with these idiotic rants is not an expression of free speech -- it is just plain silliness ... you obviously enjoy creating conflict. You have significant personality problems and my personal AND professional opinion is that you get some professional help. Your need to see yourself in print and be the centre of conflict is unhealthy and selfish, and simply serves to drive even fair-minded people from the list ...
I've watched as you've done this repeatedly with the same results --- you leave a trail of unhappiness wherever you post. If you are even a fraction of the gentleman that you try to portray yourself as, then you will simply withdraw from the list and save the majority of us from having to withdraw instead ...
To those who have defended Luc's right to free-speech, you are most noble ... it is too bad that he does not seem to care about everyone else as much as some of you do.
Again, please seek some medical attention and stop this nonsense.
By the way, your signature line reads: ""It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
You of all people should try to understand what that means.

On 19 Feb 2007 at 1:36, David B. Toth wrote:
At 01:50 PM 2/18/2007, Luc Leblanc wrote:
On 15 Feb 2007 at 21:06, Robert Davies wrote:
To compare the US Air Force Academy and AMSAT to the NAZI V-1 and V-2 rockets is ludicrous.
What's funny on this BB is many are interpreting the text with what they think silently. Probably afraid to be honest up to a point to reveal what they really think about "real questions".
Luc, enough ....
In a way to help you and the others...
Someone who's watching the last BB post and reactions just send me a note where
he's making reference to the actual mood down the border. The situation is so trouble that many are loosing their natural social guidelines. He strongly feel
that many irrational comments are a strong indicator that some are in the early
stages of depression.
You may be depressed if you're experiencing:
* A major drop in your mood that lasts most of the day and is consistently low for two weeks or more. * A loss of interest in things you normally love to do. * Irritability at home or at work. (I added on the internet) * Grudges against people you perceive have wronged you. * A desire to avoid other people. (I added fltering their messages) * Overwhelming feelings of sadness or grief. * Unreasonable feelings of guilt.
How is depression treated?
Those who realize they are suffering from depression benefit from professional counseling and - possibly - medication. There is a wide range of anti- depressants on the market that have been approved in the treatment of depression.
Medication does not normally "cure" depression. But it can help people get through their daily routines.
As usual the first steps is to admit that we have a problem, but what will happen with those who does not want to listen prefering to discard some post on
the BB?
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
participants (15)
Alan P. Biddle
Brock Thomsen
David B. Toth
David J
Ernie Howard
Joe Westbrook
John Ronan
Joseph Trombino Jr
Luc Leblanc
Margaret Leber
Robert Davies
STeve Andre'
Steve Raas