An interesting post on the Amsat-BB from KC6UQH - whom stated ... and I tend to agree ... HEO's are generally *EASIER* to work than LEO's.
That one needs expensive equipment to work an HEO is a myth that is simply *NOT* true. - (try telling GM1SXX it's expensive) - it's his pet niggle.
Personally, I've worked the world on HEO's using an FT-290 and an FT-790, both of which are 20 years old and purchased used on Ebay - neither rig has bells and whistles, no automatic doppler tuning and no computer interface. I used an El Cheapo Japanese azimuthal TV rotor, fixed elevation and a maximum EIRP of 25 watts ... yes !!! - E.I.R.P.
(see "How much power is enough") http://www.observations.biz
I have satellite QSL's from all corners of the world.
(The world doesn't have corners twit, they're "round"......GM1SXX).
Things like aerials, a preamp and a 5 watt PA were all home made.
Despite certain schools of thought, circular polarisation is *NOT* a necessity.
(A further discussion of circular polarisation can be found on the OBSERVATIONS website) - http://www.observations.biz
Expensive to work an HEO ?? ... Gerroff !!!!. It's only expensive if you absolutely must follow the route of - Mine's bigger than yours" mentality.
BTW Ib - (OZ1MY) - I agree with most of what you say but would like to point out that not everyone who would like to operate amateur satellites can afford a rig that supports auto doppler tuning if one moves to higher frequencies for LEO's as you suggest. Radio amateur satellites ought to be available to all amateurs - not just the affluent ones.
As station "developement" I used the excellent ITUNE software and a homebrew interface via the push-buttons to give the rigs auto-doppler tuning for full doppler tuning at the satellite.
Again - as cheap as chips - (those you have with fish).
Expensive ? ... difficult ? ... Ballcocks !!!!.
73 John. [email protected]
participants (1)
John Hackett