W1AW/7 on passes this evening & Monday afternoon/evening

W1AW/7 will be on FO-29 for the western pass at 0200 UTC, followed by AO-73 passes at 0400 and 0534 UTC. It looks like Hawaii should be in the footprint for a few minutes, starting around 0204 UTC, if anyone out there is interested in getting on FO-29.
I plan on having W1AW/7 on the air Monday afternoon from the DM33/DM43 grid boundary for the 1845 and 2027 UTC passes. The earlier pass around 1705-1713 UTC has maximum elevation of only 4 degrees, not really a workable pass from the Phoenix area with the mountains around the city, so I will focus on the two later passes. After these passes from the grid boundary, W1AW/7 will be on FO-29 and AO-73 passes in the late afternoon and early evening to wrap up the W1AW/7 satellite activity from Arizona as part of the ARRL Centennial QSO Party.
As a reminder, QSL cards for all W1AW/x operations will be handled by the ARRL. As ARRL receives logs from the W1AW/x operations, those logs are uploaded to Logbook of the World - including the grid locator(s) for each QSO. QSOs with W1AW/7 on the AO-73 passes tonight and tomorrow night also count for N8HM's new 73 on 73 award, if you are looking to get unique calls in your log.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
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