See below>>
Martha, sounds technical to me.(????)
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Martha Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 11:10 AM To: Dee Subject: Fwd: Non-Technical Question
Dee - Would you answer this.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: AMSAT Website [email protected] Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 12:16 AM Subject: Non-Technical Question To: [email protected]
This message originated from the AMSAT website
Sender: Andy Schnepf Email: [email protected] Host: 76-232-206-200.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net
Subject: Non-Technical Question
If you are looking at a pass Say AO-51, and it says it will start at 09:50 UTC-This is the time in UTC the pass will begin at YOUR location in UTC. I am not sure of what you are looking at to get a prediction, however, if you are using SATPC32 and you have setup the observer as yourself at the location you list, you will have the correct times UTC for your location. The program can be setup to show in local time or UTC. 99.9% of hams learn what their local time is with reference to UTC since all contacts and space referenced items are in UTC. Yes, your time would be 7hrs difference on the west coast.
Good luck on tracking the birds-don't forget to update your keplerian data to keep the positions of the satellites current.
Dee, NB2F
I have aquestion about the AOS Acquition of Signal UTC time.
Is the UTC time that is stated for a predicted pass, the local time that the bird will pass over my position?
Or do I have to subtract 7 hours from the UTC time to get the correct time the bird will pass over my position in Riverside, CA? Lattitude 33.8959 North Longitude 116.5416 West
Phone Number: 951 314 5077 tel:951%20314%205077 Best Time to Call: 09:00 am Pacific
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