Hi all, I think I had a very small signal from Williams beacon frequency. Pass with AOS here in Copenhagen 1422 UTC - but just 1 degree of elevation in my worst direction. Hope I am right. Should be a good pass over NA in a few minutes. 73 OZ1MY Ib

Just received the transponder at 11 degrees in FN30, sounded very healthy!
73's Pete WB2OQQ www.massapequanyweather.com

If anyone plans on setting up an AMSAT booth at the Cherryville, NJ hamfest on March 17 I will be there to assist. Let me know offlist.
73 Jeff kb2m

In the mail today are all the requested 13 colonies special event QSL cards for my satellite operations from K2I(NJ), and K2E(DE). If anyone else who worked us wants a card please send a SASE to KB2M, my address is good at QRZ. Thanks for all the contacts, I look forward to doing this again next year...
73 Jeff kb2m
participants (3)
Ib Christoffersen
Peter Portanova