Hi All
For any of you in the AMSAT world interested in what the planned restrictions are or visiting during the Olympics, here are links to the details
I'm affected as I live close to the sailing but it will be fun listening in J
This link contains downloadable pdf files detailing the restrictions.
http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/radiocommunication-licences/amateur-radio/ar_s pectrum_use/
These are useful as they provide maps for each location. It is not just 70cm but also microwave frequencies as well.
These are not the final restrictions though. Ofcom (our regulator) have issue a consultation paper on the restrictions which can be found here:
http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/undueinterference-olympics-20 12/summary
73s and have fun on the birds
Clive G7SVI

At 10:07 28/04/2012, you wrote:
Hi All
For any of you in the AMSAT world interested in what the planned restrictions are or visiting during the Olympics, here are links to the details
I'm affected as I live close to the sailing but it will be fun listening in J
This link contains downloadable pdf files detailing the restrictions.
http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/radiocommunication-licences/amateur-radio/ar_s pectrum_use/
We do need to remember of course that we are "secondary" users in a lot of our bands, so governmental use obviously takes priority! The sat down links of course are another thing altogether, can't see how they can get over that!
participants (2)
Clive G7SVI
John Wright