Robert I have the smaller 3 element cushcraft dual band beamthe swr has all ways been high on it also... 1. Cushcraft dual band Beam (Robert Bruninga) From: Robert Bruninga [email protected] To: AMSAT-BB [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Cushcraft dual band Beam Message-ID: [email protected] Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Any success with a cushcraft A27010S dual band beam?
Just got a new one and it tunes up perfectly to 1.1 SWR but only at 150.1 MHz.
Nothing we do with the matching network can lower the frequency to 145 MHz where it is off-scale high SWR.
We now added 1/2" sleeves to the driven element and threaded on #10-32 nuts on the end of all the wire elements to lower the resonance, but the best is still only at 148.2 MHz.
Am going to try extended the two piece boom an inch and lastly will try to extend the matching element.
Just wanted to see what others did to make this beam usable.
Bob, Wb4APR
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Mr B r a d