AMSAT @ ScienceCity science fair, Tucson AZ (10-11 March 2018)

AMSAT will be assisting the University of Arizona Amateur Radio Club (K7UAZ) at their booth for the ScienceCity science fair, on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson on Saturday and Sunday (10-11 March 2018). The science fair will be on the mall along University Blvd., west of Campbell Avenue, in conjunction with the Tucson Festival of Books which is also taking place on the UofA campus this weekend. More information about the K7UAZ radio club is available at:
and for the ScienceCity science fair:
During the two-day event, K7UAZ will have an HF station, and I will have demonstrations of satellite operating in the area near the K7UAZ booth (close to the Kuiper building, where the K7UAZ club has its satellite ground station - look for the long Yagis on the roof). If you hear WD9EWK on the satellites Saturday or Sunday, please call and be a part of the demonstration. I plan on trying FM satellite passes, including the Sunday morning AO-92 passes in the L/V mode using my portable setup with the Alinco DJ-G7T HT and 5-element Yagi for the L-band uplink, and possibly FO-29. Tucson is in grid DM42, and in Pima County, for those keeping track of those details.
I will use my @WD9EWK Twitter account to send out pictures from the science fair, and information on satellite passes I plan on working. This will probably be the best way to get updates from me this weekend. If you don't use Twitter, my account is open to the public and accessible with a web browser at:
For the satellite QSOs, I will upload my log to Logbook of the World. I may not transcribe my recordings until after the weekend when I am back home, so please be patient. If you work K7UAZ on HF, please follow the instructions on the club's web site at the link above (or on to get a K7UAZ QSL card.
Thanks in advance, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK Twitter: @WD9EWK or
participants (1)