the HRD logger program can be used to automatically update eQSL, QRZ, hrdlog.net. And if you download HRD utilities, uploads to LoTW are a lot easier and will update your log as to who has returned a QSL through eQSL or LoTW. The HRD utilities can be downloaded at http://wd5eae.org/Software.html Or if you just want to keep track of what grids you have worked or confirmed: http://www.papays.com/sat/gridmaps/gridmaps.html%C2%A0and download the GCMWIN program from the link

An updated version (2893) was released a few days ago, and now does LoTW upload and download.
There has also been an awards function for some time now, which can be tailored for just about any award you'd like, including, but not limited to grids.
73 de Sebastian, W4AS
On Apr 2, 2011, at 6:43 PM, Jeremy Bomkamp wrote:
the HRD logger program can be used to automatically update eQSL, QRZ, hrdlog.net. And if you download HRD utilities, uploads to LoTW are a lot easier and will update your log as to who has returned a QSL through eQSL or LoTW. The HRD utilities can be downloaded at http://wd5eae.org/Software.html Or if you just want to keep track of what grids you have worked or confirmed: http://www.papays.com/sat/gridmaps/gridmaps.html and download the GCMWIN program from the link
participants (2)
Jeremy Bomkamp