Useless experiment running today...FIREFOX enabled

Lesson learned ''number 1": HAMs use Firefox !
So: I fixed my poor HTML just a few minutes ago. Now also Firefox users should be able to listen in.
Next are a few HO68 CW beacon passes coming up: 19:02-19:20utc HO68 beacon (41 degrees) 20:49-21:08utc HO68 beacon (56 degrees)
See if you can hear the beacon stronger yourself as via my WEB station.
A more scientific way of saying the same: "My ground station will in the next few hours download telemetry from an experimental satelliet in space (HO-68) and feed the audio of the beacon live on the internet for further analisys by users."
Henk, PA3GUO
---- PA3GUO [email protected] schreef:
Good the inital noise reports in :-) Makes more sense to list when he sat's are overhead here.
12:04-12:20utc HO68 beacon (22 degrees) 13:41-13:53utc AO51 435.300 (13 degrees) 15:17-15:32utc AO51 435.300 (64 degrees) 16:57-17:11utc AO51 435.300 (21 degrees) 17:18-17:33utc HO68 beacon 19:02-19:20utc HO68 beacon (41 degrees) 20:49-21:08utc HO68 beacon (56 degrees)
---- PA3GUO [email protected] schreef:
Today I have a totally useless experiment running: live streaming of audio from my receiver on the internet.
Not tested against all platforms (Firefox, Mozilla, ...). No clue how many simultanious listeners I can handle.
Anyway, I will monitor HO-68 CW beacon today (435.790). Of course you only hear something when it is overhead at my QTZ (Europe).
If you dont mind, I would be interested to hear:
- if you could connect
- if you noticed the 12 second delay
- how much better your own station is (a lot most likely)
- which browser used
Maybe later I will also monitor AO51/Echo
Henk, PA3GUO
-- Henk, PA3GUO
-- Henk, PA3GUO
participants (1)