Montserrat expedition announcement

N0KV, W0ZA, W0ETT, and WD0E will be operating from Gingerbread Hill, St. Peters, Montserrat (VP2M) (grid square FK86) from June 10^th to June 19^th .Operation will be on 80-6 meters (SSB/CW/RTTY) with participation in the June VHF contest on 6 and 2 meters and some satellite operation by WD0E.
The two primary radios will be Elecraft K3’s with 500 watt amplifiers.Antennas include a Mosley Classic 33 on 10/15/20, a folding hexbeam by Folding Antennas (Germany) on 20-10 meters, verticals on 30 and 40 meters, a dipole on 75-80 meters, and an M2 5 element 6 meter beam.We will run 500 watts on 6M SSB/CW and FSK441.A 6 meter beacon is planned and will be on 50.102 when the station is not manned, and receive will be active between beacon transmissions to listen for calls.
The primary call sign for the operation will be VP2MKV, and VP2MTT will probably be used on 6 meters.Near 24 hour operation is planned.Logs will be uploaded to LOTW soon after the group returns to the US.Paper QSL’s via N0KV, direct or via the bureau.US addressees send SASE; addressees outside the US send SASE plus $2 US for return postage. Use of Club Log has not been finalized at this time.Additional information will be posted under VP2MKV on
Satellite operation:
VP2MKV will operate FO-29 only on selected passes.We will attempt the long hops to the edges of coverage if the equipment performs well at low elevations and obstructions allow.We will attempt to post passes we plan to work 24 hours in advance on amsat-bb.The uplink frequency will be 145.925 and we will tune our downlink for stations calling. The location is 16.776924N 62.214474W in grid FK86vs.Equipment is an ICOM 910H and Arrow antenna.Uplink power will be about 20W.Stations are asked to work us only once on the satellite.If we respond with your call you are in the log.
participants (1)
Jim White