Re: [amsatindia] 'HAMSAT VO-52' completes 9 successful and fruitful years in orbit !

It gives me pleasure to join OM Mani in those fitting tributes to VO 52!
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Mani [VU2WMY/KJ6LRS] [email protected]wrote:
Dear Friends,
It gives us great pleasure to inform that 'HAMSAT - VO-52' is successfully completing 9 years of fruitful services on 4th May 2014 and entering into her 10th year of services on 5th May. HAMSAT was launched as a piggy back aboard PSLV-C6 on 5th May 2005 (5-5-5). We do hope that the contribution of 'HAMSAT' by India/ISRO to the 'Global Amateur Radio Fraternity' has served its purpose. It gives us great pleasure and satisfaction to note that 'HAMSAT VO-52' has remained as one of the most sought after and favorite 'Linear Birds' among the radio amateurs for her sensitivity, strong down link signals, stability and the ease to work.
Though expected to work for two years (mainly, considering the battery), HAMSAT VO-52 has really out lived and still doing strong. Latest telemetry indicates all the parameters and systems to be normal and satisfactory. We do hope that 'HAMSAT' would continue to provide her good services to 'Amateur Radio fraternity' for many more years.
On this happy occasion, we place on records our sincere thanks and appreciations to, Chairman ISRO, Scientific Secretary ISRO, Director ISRO Satellite, Mission Director, Operations Director, 'HAMSAT' project team at various ISRO centres, AMSAT-India and Williams Leijenaar PE1RAH for their contribution in achieving this this milestone.
73 de
Mani [VU2WMY/KJ6LRS] Secretary & Station-In-Charge Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC ISRO Satellite Centre HAL Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017. Phone:(Office)91-80-25082598/25082054/25082192 Mobile: 91-9880 341 456 E-mail ID: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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Kris Murthy