John, The fact that you're a dedicated QRP operator means that you should have the best darned antenna system in the world. QRP just means low-power. It doesn't have to mean you're deaf!
Putting that 100mw into a 40dB gain EME array will do more for your signal that putting 2KW into a 1/4 wave wire strung in the attic, unless your goal is to melt the snow off your roof.
73 de W0HV, Jim in Raymore, MO (ex-N8AU)
Light travels faster than sound... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 10:06:58 +0100 From: John Hackett [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Useless information dept: To: "[email protected]" [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Message-ID: [email protected] Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
About the only thing I havn't tried in radio in 40 odd years is EME - but that is entirely due to aerial (and cash) restrictions.
How does a dedicated QRP operator justify an EME array? - it just can't be done on a wet shoelace wrapped around a rusty 6 inch nail ... (though I am of the impression that a lot of satellite operators use this particular configuration on AO-7).
I digress - in the aforementioned 40 odd years, that which still gets my juices cooking is a 'fast' CW QSO on AO-7 with either RW3XL or UA9CS ... in Russian.
Now that's !!! international communication by amateur radio.
The kids ought to watch such a QSO in progress (translated live).
Every bit as interesting as the Jay Leno SMS v CW video on U-Tube and it would probably get a few enquiring minds in gear.
(Ah!, there was !!! a point to his waffling.....GM1SXX).
He's the other half of the "twisted pair" folks ... see -
73 John. [email protected]
participants (1)
Reicher, James