Re: [amsat-bb] Greetings from India
Dear OM Umesh KGVUG/VU2HUZ, Many thanks for sharing your radio satellite activities, experience till date & efforts you putup for hobby, just brilliant. You rightly said "working with satellite is exciting for both young and old hams alike"!
Will look for your help whenever needed from your huge experience.
Will be connected.
Rajesh VU2EXP ML52jh
On Sun 31 Mar, 2019, 1:18 AM [email protected], [email protected] wrote:
Hello Rajesh,
How are you. It is good to know you are leading the efforts of AMSAT-INDIA. As you have seen AMSAT-BB is a resource for specific topics like using satellites, radios, antennas, rotators and good practices and tips for beginners.
Just to give you an idea, I have been involved with amateur satellites since 2011 and have learned quite a lot about them. I have built several antennas suitable for satellite work and give presentations and demonstrations at local clubs and public events like field-day etc. Needless to say working with satellites is exciting for boht young and old hams alike. I also had the opportunity to work with some students in India and abroad for their school/college projects that involved amateur and NOAA weather satellites. Please don't misunderstand, this not about me, I have been a ham since 1976 (VU2HUZ) and I enjoy helping others enjoy the hobby as well.
Science and technology is an integral part of education in India, however I also understand the restrictions, both financial and strict regulations, compared to western countries. I would like to offer my help in any way I can.
Best 73! Umesh Ghodke K6VUG
On Saturday, March 30, 2019, 10:11:39 AM PDT, Rajesh Vagadia - VU2EXP < [email protected]> wrote:
Hello Sat friends,
I am VU2EXP active ham from India. QRV in hf/vhf/uhf digital & satellite. I enjoy doing awareness/promotional activities for amateur radio & satellites in west India zone as regional coordinator of AMSAT-INDIA.
Would like to learn & discuss about radio satellites on this wonderful platform.
Thanks & 73's
Rajesh P. Vagadia - VU2EXP ML52jh
participants (1)
Rajesh Vagadia - VU2EXP