Maybe someone on the list has some experience to offer on the issue described below. I've made the same inquiry with WiMo but no response yet.
I have the antenna in the subject line (10 element cross pol for 2m) which I acquired in new condition from a fellow U.S. ham, unassembled. All the packing seemed original and no parts seemed to be missing. None of the plastic bags for the different parts had been opened. There are 8 pairs of elements, 2 each of specific lengths, which I believe must be the directors; no problem there.
Then there are two folded dipole driven elements with integrated feedpoints and N female connectors, no problem there.
There are two more elements, each of a different length and neither longer than the longest element in the matched director pairs; one is 92cm & the other is 89cm long, and both shorter than the driven elements. If these are intended to be the reflectors, shouldn't they be the same length and longer than the driven elements? The folded dipole driven elements I received measure 94.3cm (37-1/8") & 94cm (37") end to end. I would think the reflectors should be longer, but the only two elements remaining to be installed are the two of different lengths and both shorter than the driven elements AND shorter than the longer directors...curious.
Photos here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MYBEPwJaUV6WAvPS7 Please advise if you have any knowledge to share.
Thanks, Robin Midgett K4IDC
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