Jerry - NR5A,
Here are some pictures of my Elk setup:
http://www.flexresources.com/n8bbq/pics/ElkAssembled.jpg http://www.flexresources.com/n8bbq/pics/ElkDisassembled.jpg
The instructions stressed getting the feedline away from the antenna at a 90 degree angle. I tuck the end of the plastic pipe under my right arm and hold the closest strut with my right hand. When held like a pistol grip, the antenna is horizontal. Polarity can usually be corrected by rotating the right wrist 90 degrees one way or the other. The feedline is a 6 foot RG58 BNC to BNC jumper with a BNC to PL259 adapter at the antenna end. A better feedline might be in order but it's what was on the shelf in the shack. The IC-W32A and headset with remote PTT complete the setup. Preliminary testing is good on the FM LEO's.
Have fun. '73 de N8BBQ Ed
Got my Elk antenna today its too bad I can't find time till maybe tomorrow eveing to play with it. It looks really super. Any one use it on a tripod?? Trying to figure out ideas on how to mount it. Holding it in your had with a lil extra PVC is fairly easy but off hand I don't see a way to do it on a tripod.
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