Flex is fully aware that the price of the V/U + the 5000 will limit the sales of the V/U. For those already owning the 5000, the V/U together as two sixty watt units with high performance and fully capable of full duplex operation, and is CHEAPER than the same system assembled from DEMI units. Now, you have to already have the 5000 to plug it in so it is limited to the 5000.
The Flex equipment is fully capable of supporting external digital programs and CAT. Both of these are supported via "virtual connections". A pseudo sound card is set up and other programs connect to the pseudo sound card to deliver audio to/from the radio. The same thing for CAT control: a pseudo com port pair is set up, one at the radio and one at the controlling program, to support control of the radio via CAT commands. The radio has its own set of commands but implements Kenwood commands as well.
I have the USB version of the LVB tracker and the latest model Kenpro (5400A) with the relay control lines brought out to the plug. The LVB plugs into that plug directly. This is good. I should have remembered this because Brooks developed the KCT Tracker and Tuner with the interface to Quiktrak at the beginning of our friendship. I used both to command the Microsat's in the first days, I should have remembered and should have realized that the plugin interface probably became a standard when Kenpro did and Yaesu maintained it in the B model.
Thanks Mark!
On 2/7/2010 8:33 AM, Mark L. Hammond wrote:
Hi Bob,
Really, at the risk of oversimplifying, "all" the LVB tracker does is ground pins, so any rotor hardware/interface that works from that principle is set.
I'm sure lots of us are interested in real world performance and ease of use reports from the Flex with VHF/UHF. I just wish the blooming thing didn't approach $4-5k.
Are there any software solutions (or plans) for satellite packet at various speeds, such that a KISS virtual com port is available at different rates? Otherwise, how does one get the data out of the "magic black box?"
At 10:48 PM 2/6/2010 -0500, n4hy wrote:
Thanks to all who answered my (incomplete) email.
It is clear to me now that my Kenpro 5400-A, which has an external control on the back, can be made to work with the LVB tracker.
After the 2 feet of snow melts, I will be refurbishing the rotator where needed. I am hoping this and the antenna deployment coincides with the arrival of my U/V full duplex 60w on both bands, transverter block arrives from Flex and I get back on satellites again.
73's to all and thanks again for the answers. Bob N4HY
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