Re: Lunar Short Wave echo experiment looking for Listen er reports

Your absolutely correct Dave. I missed the fact that the U.S. Naval Observatory page was giving me local time instead of UTC that I was thinking. Damn, now I better get the coffee pot ready. Looks like it will be a late night. To keep this post in line with satellites, if this experiment proves successful does it mean it's possible we could have a bird circling the moon with say a mode K transponder ? :-))
Thanks for the correction Dave... Keith
-- Dave Taylor [email protected] wrote: I think you are confusing time zones. Here in Maryland, the moon sets Saturday morning at 4:54am EST, and the experiment is midnight to 2am. For me, the moon will be between 50 and 28 degrees elevation during the experiment.
-- Dave, W8AAS
On Jan 18, 2008, at 9:16 AM, Keith N4ZQ wrote:
If I'm reading the chart correctly at
it looks like this event doesn't start till after Moon Set on the east coast of the states.. Oh well, looks like I won't have to give up any sleep.. ;-)
-- Ernie Howard [email protected] wrote:
They have a web page that confirms the 19/20th UTC.
HAARP-LWA Experiment Schedule Date From To Transmitted Frequency (UTC) UTC Hr:Min) (MHz) 19 January 2008 05:00 06:00 6.7925 06:00 07:00 7.4075
20 January 2008 06:30 07:30 6.7925 07:30 08:30 7.4075
Ernie W8EH
Trevor wrote:
Some real DX signals to listen out for on 6.7925 MHz and 7.4075 MHz. Note one part of the text says Jan 18/19th but when times are specified the 19th and 20th are given. Could there be a typo here ? anyone know ?
ARR report
73 Trevor M5AKA
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After spending a half hour listening to HAARP on 6.7 megs make its music and hearing the echo about 40% of the time, I discovered how easily I can really be entertained.
For some reason that was fun and exciting (my wife would call me sick). There was one point around 5:10 that the refection was stronger then the ionospheric path. Also there were a couple of times Haarp and the refection seem to melt together for a couple of cycles and loose the the distinction
Wonder if there would be enough power to get a double reflection... Wish I could have measured the received power.
Wish I could listen to the next episodes
That was fun!!!
Time to send the report
Dave WB7DRU Burnsville
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participants (2)
David Donaldson
Keith N4ZQ