Passing along the following message from Bruce Paige, KK5DO, AMSAT Director of Contest and Awards
Congratulations to all recipients - Robert, KE4AL
Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)I just finished processing the last award for 2020. Here are those that have earned awards recently.
AMSAT Satellite Communicators Award for making their first satellite QSO
Stephen Small, KC1NBI Michael Pelaez, K4KMP Kevin Addison, KM4RYN Edward Campagnuolo, KN4ZAA Timothy Stinson, AI5BE Lowell Davis, WA2ZQX
AMSAT Communications Achievement Award
Michael Pelaez, K4KMP, #630 Robert Sours, K9UO, #631 Edward Campagnuolo, KN4ZAA, #632
AMSAT Sexagesimal Satellite Communications Achievement Award
Robert Sours, K9UO, #189
AMSAT Century Award
Adrian Liggins, VA3NNA, #56
AMSAT South Africa Satellite Communications Achievement Award
Michael Pelaez, K4KMP, #US233 Robert Sours, K9UO, #US234 Edward Campagnuolo, KN4ZAA, #US235
AMSAT Robert W. Barbee Jr., W4AMI Award (1,000-4,000)
Greg Phillips, WI4T, #115 Bernd Scholer, DL6IAN, #116 Michael Mark, VE4MM, #117 Gerry Krebs, N0JE upgraded to 4000
AMSAT Robert W. Barbee Jr., W4AMI Award
Ronald Parsons, W5RKN, #36 Christy Hunter, KB6LTY, #37 Robert Sours, K9UO, #38
AMSAT Rover Award
Rover Call ===== ======== None this time
GridMaster Award
GridMaster Call ========== ======== #14 N0JE #15 N8HM #16 AA8CH #17 KE4AL #18 N3GS #19 WC7V #20 N9EAT #21 KK4YEL #22 K9UO #23 K7TAB #24 KE0PBR #25 KI7UNJ #26 WI4T
To see all the awards visit http://www.amsat.org%C2%A0and click on Services then Awards.
Bruce Paige, KK5DO
AMSAT Director Contests and Awards AMSAT Board Member 2016-2022
ARRL Awards Field Checker (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE
Houston AMSAT Net - Wed 0100z on Echolink - Conference *AMSAT* Also live streaming MP3 at http://www.amsatnet.com Podcast at http://www.amsatnet.com/podcast.xml%C2%A0or iTunes
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participants (1)
Robert Bankston