I was able to copy ARISSat-1 during three passes today but as was mentioned in a previous bulletin, the signal seems much weaker, and I have had to correct the frequency often which means the keps are not up to date although I downloaded them this morning. I just downloaded them again a few minutes ago and noticed a big change. She was also in Low Power mode in full sunlight again. I did work CW through her and heard my signal on the downlink but it was weak and warblely (if that is a word). I am thinking it is tumbling quite a bit. I am beginning to believe that the predictions for de-orbit on the 30th might be accurate.
I must say it has been fun and I hope we have all learned lessons from the experience. I'll keep monitoring until it is confirmed that de-orbit has occurred. I am looking forward to Hamcation in February so I can sit and chat (debrief) with all the fine people who put her up there.
participants (1)
Carl Rimmer W8KRF