XE2/WD9EWK from DM22 (1 pass) & DM21 (several passes) today

Still sitting in DM21jw 45 miles/78km south of the city of Mexicali and the USA/Mexico border, enjoying the afternoon here. I was not able to get here in time for the 2025 UTC AO27 pass, which was worked from a few miles/km north of here in DM22. I hope to hear NH7WN on the next AO51 pass. I worked 1 AO27 pass, 2 SO50 passes, and - so far - 2 AO51 passes. Lots of QSOs, and many thanks to all on these passes.
It has been nice to work ND9M, and hear many work both of us this afternoon. This has also been a demonstration for hams in the Mexicali/Calexico area at the border. Larry KI6YAA, Kevin KJ6DDS, and Alex XE2BSS/N2IX have been down here with me on route 5 on the Laguna Salada - a mostly dry lakebed at sea level. KI6YAA now has a 6-month Mexican ham permit, so maybe I can get a shot at working DM21 when I'm back home when he is on as XE2/KI6YAA. :-)
More to follow later. I will be on at the Yuma (Arizona) hamfest tomorrow afternoon and Saturday with demonstrations. Hope to hear you then.
Patrick XE2/WD9EWK - south of Mexicali, Baja California http://www.wd9ewk.net/
participants (1)