Hi all, In order to get onto the linear transponders I picked up a slight-project Yaesu FT-290 at a rally last weekend. It's pretty much working, but the display is faulty. It pretty much only ever displays a backwards F, no matter what you do. Other than that it tunes, memorises, clarifies and generally seems to behave itself, so I suspect that the display IC is faulty and the CPU is actually okay.
So, does anyone have a dead FT-[267]90 for spares? Really, I just need the display PCB (the LCD seems fine, so I'd take a chance on one with a broken LCD) or even just the chip. If I could find spec on the chip I'd even have a crack at building a replacement controller.
Feel free to reply offlist if you don't want to noise up the list with radio fixing chatter.
Thanks, Gordon MM0YEQ
participants (1)
Gordon JC Pearce