Just was on the last pass of SO-50. I was not hearing the satellite at first even as it rose above the trees. At the middle of the pass, I was expecting to find it at around 436.795 MHz, but I found it around 436.786 MHz.
Has anybody else noticed this?
Paul, N8HM
Quoting Paul Stoetzer who wrote on Sat 2014-05-31 at 12:42:
I just had a pass (and worked PD5DJ, thanks!) and I also noted a downward shift in frequency as I had to select the next downward shifted frequency earlier than gpredict was showing. Gpredict has the default 436.7950 in its configuration.
I can't give exact numbers as I was busy trying to hear/make a contact but there is some downward shift.
Koos van den Hout
Hi Koss and Paul, I do not think that the "normal" center frequency is 436.795 MHz.
I use two frequencies for the downlink in SatPC32:
436.791 and 436.788 MHz.
I have heard it suddenly jump about 5 kHz during a pass - but that is some time ago.
The two frequencies above are not always spot on but close enough.
Have a nice weekend all.
----- Original meddelelse -----
73 OZ1MY Ib
What mode is AO 7 in today?
Always check here:
It looks like it's been in good shape today based on the satellite status page and log comments: http://aar29.free.fr/sat/ao7/ao7log.php
Of course, it can't be guaranteed that it'll stay in Mode B on each pass.
Paul, N8HM
On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Rich/wa4bue richard.siff@verizon.net wrote:
Hi all.
If anyone in Europe is collecting grids, I'll be operating a demo station Sunday 8th from JO00EW
Will be active on anything with a transponder from the 09:08 pass of AO-73 through to about 15:30 UTC. I think that's about 12 satellite passes in total. - But no Doppler tracking in the field and manual antenna rotating. !
David G0MRF/P
participants (5)
Ib Christoffersen
Koos van den Hout
Paul Stoetzer