Well, 4 days from Shipping PSAT3 to Kodiak for launch, the launch has been canceled.
The launch was part of the DARPA LAUNCH CHALLENGE:
The challenege (and $10m prize) was for any launch provider to deliver a rocket with only 30 days notice of what payloads they would have and where they would launch from. And then to do it again only 30 days later. We were on the second launch.
But on 2 March the third attempt by the launch provider was scrubbed at T-9 minutes and was not resolved until the launch window (and DARPA challenge deadline) had passed. Therefore the CHALLENGE is over, there was no winner, and we lost the launch.
So, if anyone hears of a rocket that needs a CUBESAT PPOD backup replacement, we have one:
And I get my life (nights and weekends) back!
participants (1)
Robert Bruninga