AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium 2008

AMSAT-UK will be holding their 23rd International Space Colloquium at the University of Surrey, Guildford, England from Friday 25th until Sunday 27th July.
There will a tour of the Surrey Space Centre facilities that is always popular and provides a unique opportunity to see satellites in various stages of construction.
On Friday in addition to the main lecture programme there will be a special "Beginners Workshop" to show newcomers how to use the many Amateur Satellites that are available.
The event is open to all Radio Amateurs and SWL's. Either Day passes or full packages comprising overnight accommodation and meals at the University are available. An online booking service is available with PayPal, Visa and Master Card payments accepted.
For further details contact Jim Heck G3WGM Tel: +44 1258 453959 Email: [email protected] Web: (see Travel for maps) Online Booking: ----
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