Tomorrow I will be heading to the Des Moines hamfest as planned. After the hamfest tomorrow I am planning on operating from the grid line of EN22/21 on the evening passes of SO-50 and VO-52.
I might also catch some bird passes from en31 and en32 through Saturday and Sunday.
Catch you on the birds!
73 Wyatt AC0RA

Thanks to all who worked me yesterday while I was on the EN21/22 gridline. I think I worked everyone that had emailed me and wanted the grids plus a few more.
I have uploaded all contacts to LOTW using AC0RA but who know how long it may take to show up. If you don't see it in there soon let me know and I can try agn.
If you want a paper QSL just shoot me an email with qso data and I will send a card your way and no need for sase or return QSL.
73 Wyatt AC0RA
participants (1)
Wyatt Dirks